Adding new dictionaries

A quick description of how I added the Maori Words Dictionary. Hopefully this can be easily adapted for the creation of further dictionaries.

To generate a dictionary run:

 aspell --lang=en create master ./maoriwords.local < maoriwords.txt 

Change Spell.cgi to add line:


Copy the newly created dictionary to the aspell directory:

cp /maoriwords.local /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60/

If you find any bugs in the code, or have suggestions for other things this could do. Please feel free to contact me (

Back to the spellchecker page

This page was written by James Brunskill ( in March 2007

Note: The code linked to from this page was developed while James was working for the University of Waikato Library. If for any reason the university would like this page and associated scripts to be removed or moved to a different location, I reserve the right to do so.