To see my most recent Ramble goto the main page[]
Things Have slowed down again...
I have been working at my Job lately which hasn't left me much time to update but I have been doing some interesting things lately. Mostly playing with PopFile, an automaticly learning email classifier. Which sorts you emails into different catogories. This is especially good if you want to sort out "good" email from "spam" and unsolicted email. It is definately worth having a look at if you get lots of spam, or even just lots of email. If you don't fit either catogory but are a geek who wants another toy to play with then check it out too. I also made a Skin for it because I hate the ones that come with it you can download this from Thats about it for now, but don't forget to sign my guestbook.
I also Just added my online BattleShips and Enigma Machine. Check them out.
Enigma Machine
James 12th December 2002 only 12 + 1/2 days till Christmas!!!!
If you have been watching my site recently, things are slowly starting to happen, with the revamped, JAMBE TopSitesList and the addition of a guest book.
I have also archived all the 2001 rambling (long over due), If I keep updating regularly then I will have to archive more regularly, but I will stick like this for now :)
The Word for this Ramble is "Word", but what does word actually mean?
word ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wurd) n.
- A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.
- Something said; an utterance, remark, or comment: May I say a word about that?
- Computer Science. A set of bits constituting the smallest unit of addressable memory.
- words Discourse or talk; speech: Actions speak louder than words.
- words Music. The text of a vocal composition; lyrics.
- An assurance or promise; sworn intention: She has kept her word.
- A command or direction; an order: gave the word to retreat.
- A verbal signal; a password or watchword.
- News: Any word on your promotion? See Synonyms at news.
- Rumor: Word has it they're divorcing.
- words Hostile or angry remarks made back and forth.
- Used euphemistically in combination with the initial letter of a term that is considered offensive or taboo or that one does not want to utter: �Although economists here will not call it a recession yet, the dreaded �R� word is beginning to pop up in the media� (Francine S. Kiefer).
- Word
- See Logos.
- The Scriptures; the Bible.
(once again :: thanks to and google)
There is a lot more to the word "word" than initially meets the eye, you think that it just means one of these sequences of letters, and its coresponding sequence of sounds. But the word "word" has a lot of other meanings as well. like "Keeping your word" :: Being honest and doing what you said you would. But one I was thinking about, and was surpised to find covered in the definition, that is the idea that Jesus is the word. As it says in John 1:1-4
"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. "
It is amazing that God spoke the whole Universe in to existence, and that God would allow his son to be refered to as The Word, through which everything was made. What this speaks to me is that words aren't worthless, habits, but powerful tools, that can hurt, and strenghten others. James 3:5-6 "Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." Strong words, to be put in the bible! If we allow our speech to be tainted by the world, then we run the risk of releasing in ourselves an evil fire the could corupt us absolutely. These scary thoughts aside, think about someone who you look up to and has positively influenced your life. Think about that person talked, were their words encouraging, uplifting, etc? Try to speak encouraging words to people today, become the person someone else looks up to and is inspires others on to new levels in life.
James, 19th of November 2002
Once again it is a while since I last had a "ramble", but I have only two exams to go, and I have finnished uni for the year. Hopefully this means I will have a little more time to update the site.
In the pipe line I have, A online version of BattleShips (my end of year project for one of my courses), online Enigma machine + downloadable GUI based version, and more as it comes to me. The Online Enimga machine can be seen at this page will be cleaned up and more information about Enigma Machines added before this officially becomes part of the site, but check it out now by all means.
The word for this ramble is rhetoric:
Rhetoric has a bad name in society, we often talk of a politions speach as "mere rhetoric" or talk of people surcoming to rhetoric devices used by telemarkters or infomertials. But rhetoric is what seporates a good writer from a bad and what makes a writing an art not just a tool.
see if you can Identify these famous quotes with rhetoric removed (highlight for answers):
1. "Should keep on living or not?" "to be, or not to be that is the question" - William Shakespeare (in Hamlet)
2. "I'll come back" "I shall Return" - General Douglas MacArthur
3. "think about trying to help the country not about how it should help you" "Ask not what your Country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy
4. "It was the best time in history, but sort of bad too" "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" - Charles Dickens (in A Tale of two Cities)
If you are like me you probably recognised most of the famous lines, even if not the the utterer But you will surely agree that the rhetoric is what made those phrases great.
thats all for now, I hope to see you here again soon.
James 09/11/02
Do you need a website made? Why not talk to ( )
Ah, nothing like a plug for my friends :) Lattitude Design is a new web design company working out of New Zealand, run by two of my friends. So if you do want a webdesign done check out there site and email them.
I discovered this the other day on a brake light for my car:
* Give flash warning in various conditions on the road
* Keep you from serious collisions
* Make your life more prescious
Funny how things don't translate straight into English :)
also here is an incredibly funny cartoon I found the other day

James 21/09/02
I was thinking this week about my rambles, And I thought about my cool word ideas. I like learning new words and stuff, but that wasn't my oridinal idea. At first I wanted to look at the dictionary meanings of comman words. Words we might often use but do we actually know what they mean. This is a more rare and interesting subject than simply an unusual word. So today we look at a word that if you don't use every day you probably don't speak (english) every day. The word is "the"
- Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things: the baby; the dress I wore.
- Used before a noun, and generally stressed, to emphasize one of a group or type as the most outstanding or prominent: considered Lake Shore Drive to be the neighborhood to live in these days.
- Used to indicate uniqueness: the Prince of Wales; the moon.
- Used before nouns that designate natural phenomena or points of the compass: the weather; a wind from the south.
- Used as the equivalent of a possessive adjective before names of some parts of the body: grab him by the neck; an infection of the hand.
- Used before a noun specifying a field of endeavor: the law; the film industry; the stage.
- Used before a proper name, as of a monument or ship: the Alamo; the Titanic.
- Used before the plural form of a numeral denoting a specific decade of a century or of a life span: rural life in the Thirties.
- Used before a singular noun indicating that the noun is generic: The wolf is an endangered species.
- Used before an adjective extending it to signify a class and giving it the function of a noun: the rich; the dead; the homeless.
- Used before an absolute adjective: the best we can offer.
- Used before a present participle, signifying the action in the abstract: the weaving of rugs.
- Used before a noun with the force of per: cherries at $1.50 the box.
Isn't it amazing that even though the is one of the smallest words in english, it takes the most space out of any word (I think) to explain.
If you are interested in words, here is a cool thing called an anagram...
Here are some of the anagrams that are produced by my name "James Brunskill":
check it out at and try your name
other really cool ones are:
Listen = Silent
Internet Anagram Server = Isn't rearrangement rave?
Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
and a whole lot more at
James 05/09/02
As you might be able to see I did a little bit of work on the underlying code for my pages to make the side navigation bar reach the full length of the page. Due to JWT I was able to automaticly apply this change to all of my pages :) which is very cool. I am working albeit very slowly on an upgraded version of jambeCodec to. This is going to be called MSCC (Multipurpose Simple Cypher Codec) it will include not only the old jambeCodec, but any other one to one code. Ie a code where all the letters are shifted one to the right. You simply have to define it and the program will do the rest for you. So look out for that some time in the future. I also hope to post my first JAVA Programs some time as I am learning Java at the moment.
here is an unusual word for today:
vitiate :- To damage the quality of || to debase in moral or aesthetic status || to make ineffective [|| = 'or']
James 20/08/02
If you regularly frequent this site, (if any one does at all) you will notice that this is a slightly different format to normal. I have decided to replace my old Website spot light with this Most recent ramble idea. This is the 'normal' format for a rambling type thing on websites. It saves people loading up another page, and makes it easier for the webmaster to have his say. Who wants to move to special page just to read some rambling? Why not move straight on to the content? This way you can't avoid it! HUH I have you. Anyway if you have any ideas or improvements for the site don't forget to email me <> and tell me. Here is a quote for today: "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." --Douglas Adams
James 26/07/02
Today I decided to digout the Enigma coding stuff I dabbled in about a year ago. I had written a program to do it but It didn't work :) With my added experience now I finished it very quickly so It's the latest toy for you to play with check it out <enigma.html>, you can also use this link to make your own enigma machine <makeenigma.html>
But what does Enigma mean anyway?
Enigma := something or someone that is mysterious or puzzling
and apparently it comes from a greek word that means "to speak in riddles" .
A few Updates
Only 15 days since last ramble! I must be getting better at this! I don't have much to say but I have done a few updates, Emacs Reference Guide and my Slogan page, which sort of turned in to a ramble about three word descriptions and JOY:
Jesus (first)
Others (second)
You (last)
And since it is fast becoming a tradition here is a word + definition.
campanology := the art of ringing bells
See if you can find a use for that one :)
thats all for now
It's been awhile... again ? how come those words look so familiar. Despite the long break, unfortunately I do not have any new stuff to add to the site. This isn't set to change in the near future, however I do have a few Ideas in the pipe line, but as always they will require some time:)
Don't you often say a word an start to worry what it actually means? I was recently watching a tv show about the possiblity to a conspiracy concerning whether man went to the moon. And I thought about what does conspiracy actually mean? well here is the definition:
conspiracy \Con*spir"a*cy\, n.; pl. Conspiracies. [See Conspiration.] 1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement, between two or more persons, to commit a crime in concert, as treason; a plot.
An easy way to find the definition of a word is to type it into google and then click on it in the results page. It will bring you to the definition. It even spell checks for you as well :)
Cool Quote + Acronym
It's been awhile :) again
I heard a cool quote the other day,it goes like this, "Remember, Today is the tommorow you woried about yesterday"
I think that is pretty choice. Our church has an new acronym for some of the values of our church I thought I would share them with you.
Generosity -generous with our Time, Talents and Treasures
Overseas Missions - Taking the Gospel to the unreached
Study - (The real acronym actualy has a small s but I think that studing Gods word should Go here)
People - Developing people, growing leaders working for each other's highest good
Evangelisim - Lost people Matter to God
Linking - linking and connecting with God, His purposes & each other
(my churches website is if you are interested)
New Definition of JAMBE
jamb also jambe (jam) . n.
- One of a pair of vertical posts or pieces that together form the sides of a door, window frame, or fireplace, for example.
- A projecting mass or columnar part.
[Middle English jambe, from Old French, leg, jamb, from Late Latin gamba, horse's hock, leg. See gambol.]